Blocks and Linings

Friday, November 28, 2008 0 comments

I previously mentioned that I am using a laminated back and side set. The sides come prebent to a fairly standard archtop shape, which fortunately is very close to the mold shape that I have. I fitted the rims to the mold and shaped up the neck and tailblocks and glued them in. For the picture I removed the glued pieces form the mold.

Then the linings and side braces are glued in. The linings provide a gluing surface to attach the top and back to the rims of the guitar.

The linings are made of a strip of wood (mahogany) that is cut every 1/4 inch. The "kerf" cuts allow the strip of wood to bend to follow the curves of the guitar. I also glued in the side braces, which are just small strips of mahogany every 4 inches.

I did not have enough clamps to finish all of the lining, so will do the other half tomorrow.

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