BACK in the saddle again

Sunday, November 30, 2008 1 comments

Today I attached the back to the sides. The blue tape along the sides is to protect from glue squeeze out. Prior to gluing, I marked the centerlines on the top and reference marks for easy placement with the glue. A bead of Tightbond around the rim, then position the back.

The clamping device I use is called a "go-bar deck". The poles are fiberglass sticks that flex and provide a constant pressure. The bars are easy to put in place, and easy to move around, if need be. It is MUCH easier this way than to use a bunch of clamps.

The go-bars remain out of the way, allowing easy checking for position. Also they do not push the pieces out of position.

The go-bar deck will be used again when I glue on the soundboard, in a similar fashon to here. It was also used when gluing the braces to the soundboard.

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