Alaska Adventure

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 0 comments

I am headed to Alaska on May 24th. I will be spending about 3 weeks in Southeast Alaska working. I will be flying for Fjord Flying Service. I will be living in Gustavus, which is located on the south end of Glacier Bay roughly 45 miles from Juneau. The plan is to work 15 days, come home to California for 15 days and return to Alaska for 15 more days of work. This will be my first time back to Alaska since October of 2000. I have wanted to go back but have not had the opportunity. Now I have created the opportunity as a way to support the family. I am not looking forward to being away from my family, but plan to make the best of both my time in Alaska and when I am home. I am hoping to get lots of picture while I am there and to keep the blog updated while I am there.

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