What am I thinking?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008 1 comments

So my brother sent me a link to a website, http://www.hundredpushups.com/. It is a program to get you to be able to complete 100 consecutive pushups. My brother has been competing (participating) in triathlons and such for the past few years. Not that he is in outstanding shape but doing well I guess. Well, I guess I felt I need to do something so I began the program today. The way the program works is to do an initial test, then based on your performance there are 5 sets of pushups a day, every other day. Based on my performance I started on week three with sets of (14-18-14-14-max). My arms are pretty sore.........

I have been doing hapkido for the last year and a half and feel healthy but would like to feel more fit. I hope to get back riding my mountain bike, we shall see how that goes. But I am going to finish out the pushup program for sure.

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