I have been a bit busy lately, not necessarily with the board........ Last week I was able to get the blocking put in for the finbox and the leash and vent plugs. 
For the fin box I located the blocking to be able to put the box about 6 1/2 inches from the tail, which should give me plenty of room for adjustment of the fin. You can see the blocks for the vent and leash along side of the finbox. The block on the left has been hollowed out as it will support the vent.
I also have the tops of the rail strips flattened to put the top plank on.

After getting the surface prepared it was time to start spreading glue. The Boy had to be a part of that. He assisted with applying the 3M 5200 fast cure marine adhesive to the keel and ribs, as well as a bead on the inside of the flat part of the rail.
I ran Titebond III on the flat part of the rail. The Titebond was used on what will eventually be the exposed edge. It will cure to a brownish color, as opposed to the 3M stuff that is white and would look pretty bad.
The board is sitting on the rocker table again for the clamping of the top plank. I used strapping to clamp the plank to the keel, matching the rocker. Then around the edge I put the 2" spring clamps to hold the edges tight.
I plan to leave this clamped up for at least 24 hours, but looking at my schedule for the next few days, it may be Wednesday before the clamps are removed.....
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