Defense Against Kicks

Monday, November 9, 2009 0 comments

This segment is the defiense against kicking. I have just finished the fist attack section and now move to the Kick attack. There is a strike, a twist, a throw and a foot block for each kick, front kick, side kick, roundhouse. Then three "other", heel outside, jump front, and jump roundhouse.

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1st Degree Black Belt - Hapkido

Sunday, November 8, 2009 1 comments

On October 31, 2009 I tested for my 1st degree black belt in Hapkido. The test consisited of demonstrating a series of kicks, then 60 different techniques. The techniques were broken into 4 sets: Defense Against Fist, Defense Against Kicks, Defense Against Knife, and First Moving (offensive)Attack. My falling partner was Lawrence Wong. He did a great job, and deserves much of the credit for motivating me to get ready on time for the test. He also made me look good!!!

This video is my Defense against Fist attack.

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What the???

Thursday, November 5, 2009 0 comments

Well it has been a while since I posted anything here. I have experienced many changes in the last 3 and a half months. I Spent July in Gustavus having a great time flying for Chuck at Fjord Flying Service. Then at the end of July I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer............. No more FAA medical certificate, and a strong desire to be with my family. Also I needed to start chemotherapy treatment.
As I began treatment, I also developed a strong desire to continue living my life to its fullest. In September, Jen, Reed and I went to Alaska on a family trip. Our origional plan was for them to come see me up there, now we traveled to gether. We had an outstanding trip. Reed got to drive the truck around Gustavus, I got to fly the airplane a couple times, and we caught some big fish!!

We were invited to spend one night at the Salmon Run Lodge located at Excursion Inlet. A great location and Jared is a great cook!!!
9 years later, Jen and I return to the location of our first kiss. The Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau.

Reed caught the big fish. It weighed just over 50 pounds, and was as big as him!!

Reed got to be my copilot in the Cessna 206 that I flew for Fjord Flying Service.

Excursion Inlet Cannery.

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